Saggi e contributi scientifici

La rigenerazione urbana dei beni confiscati alle mafie: i cittadini singoli o associati come parti dell'attività amministrativa


The “final use” of confiscated urban assets is one of the greatest challenges of the decade. Many of them are in a state of disrepair and neglect, far from their function provided by the anti-mafia Law. Villaggio Coppola is the most important example of a gap on “confiscated areas”. If Urban Commons are generally defined as «material, intangible and digital assets recognized by citizens and Public Administration as useful for individual and collective well-being», confiscated assets which are (usually) private assets can be classified as “Urban Commons”. Individuals and groups are no longer mere beneficiaries of administrative acts and procedures but – in a way – parts of them. In this very context, the regeneration of confiscated urban assets can be located, not only in renewal purposes, but as well in the involvement of city inhabitants. The public procurement on social partnership should play an important role.

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I contenuti redazionali di questo sito sono distribuiti con una licenza Creative Commons, Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia (CC BY-SA 3.0 IT) eccetto dove diversamente specificato. Diretta da G. Terracciano, G. Mazzei, J. Espartero Casado. Direttore Responsabile: G. Caputi. Redazione: G. Iacovino, C. Rizzo. Iscritta al N. 16/2009 del Reg. stampa del Tribunale di Roma - ISSN 2036-7821